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Soooo depressed.........

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So I came home today, after a long day of shoveling snow, to find all of my fish dead. Don't know what the hell happened. My corals seem to be doing ok. Most of my zoos are open, my acans are fine and my shrimp is still alive for now. So I did a 5 gallon water change and turned up my skimmer. We will see what happens tomorrow. My lights just went out. What the hell......

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  1. Heathd's Avatar
    Sorry to hear that.

    Did you happen to take down any info about the water qaulity, temperature of the tank, etc...
  2. ghummel's Avatar
    Sorry for your loss!
  3. Lilrodyreefer's Avatar
    I had put a new power head that a friend had got for me in and it was blowing my sand everywhere. I think it might have released some gas pockets in the sand bed. When I do my waterchanges I try to stir around small sections of the bed to keep this kind of thing from happening. The power head only ran for about 20 min befor I pulled it out. I will keep posting to this blog on tank updates. Thanks for the support guys.
  4. melev's Avatar
    How sad. I would think it was a lack of oxygen or a temperature issue to take out all the fish. Any chance the power was out for a duration?
  5. Tbeau's Avatar
    Hope there were no. Hemicals on the powerhead. I lost one of my clowns. My fault though. Thought I covered intake of power head but not enough. Poor little. Guy sucked in.
  6. Cagey's Avatar
    That took me out of the hobby in the early eighties when the lfs was advising "sterile" setups. That creates vacuum. Hope the reason for this terrible occurence can be found and avoided in the future. Good Luck in Your Search.
  7. Lilrodyreefer's Avatar
    So I was alittle worried about coming home to the tank today. I didn't know what I would find. But everything seems to be ok to the eye. I have been testing the water sence I got home. So far my ph is 8.3 my ammonia was unclear, nitrite was at 0 and my nitrate was 5. Ugh
  8. snorkeler's Avatar
    Sorry to hear of your loss... But I praise the Lord your corals are OK. Must have been oxygen related, as melev said.
  9. Lilrodyreefer's Avatar
    The fish died within a 12 hour period. In the morning they were fine and then poof dead. The temp stayed the same. I think it had something to do with the power head I added. It was too powerful and blew the sand bed everywhere. All of my corals are fine and my peppermint shrimp is still alive and kickin. I pray that all the coral survives. My wife isn't going to let me restock another tank.