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Happy New Years, everyone!

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As you can see, at the top of the page we are celebrating 2011 and commemorating the first year that Reef Addicts has been online.

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  1. evoracer's Avatar
    Happy new year and happy birthday RA!
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! and..... A BIG Happy Birthday Reef Addicts!
  3. Snakebyt's Avatar
    has it really been a year? Wow , i cant believe its been that long.. congrats
  4. jonbear's Avatar
    the first year is the hardest one. Clear sailing from here. Happy New Year to All!
  5. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Happy New Year and Happy Birthday. Can't believe its been a year already, my how the time flys.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Here are some of the RA highlights for last year. Feel free to add your comments about your favorite RA insights that come to mind.
  7. maroun.c's Avatar
    Happy New Year.
    That was a very fast year.
  8. Eric B's Avatar
    Happy New Year! Happy Birthday to RA as well!!!!
  9. Jaxom's Avatar
    Happy New Years everyone and Happy Birthday RA, time sure does fly when you're having fun with friends, it really doesn't seem like it's been a year since this all began. I hope everyone has a safe and prosperous New Year for 2011.