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Snorkeler's Cube

Roach in sump...

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Today I had the wonderful surprise of finding a dead roach floating in my sump, apparently already decomposing... but probably not for too long as it was still in one piece and apparently still had a body.

Well, removed and dumped it, then took the opportunity to clean up my skimmer's cup, which was smelling pretty bad... the worst I've ever smelled it....

I also siphoned a little my sump, removed some yellow-like stuff that has been sitting in the bottom of the return pump area for a while and which I hadn't siphoned out yet because I was lazy . Here is what it looks like (zoom in to see better). I think this is organic matter, given the yellowish color, and I think this same stuff is what coats the inside of my pumps when I disassemble and clean them:

And feeling active I decided to clean the pumps used to feed the refugium and the PhosGuard reactor. Wow, were they dirty.... the transparent hose that took water from the refugium pump to it was badly full of algae too... I changed it for a black hose. Lesson learned, avoid transparent hoses if using in a lighted area.

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Sump , ‎ Cleanup


  1. melev's Avatar
    I hate it when something unwanted shows up in my water. Roaches are nasty, and I don't want any bits of them in my reef.
  2. dread240's Avatar
    I had to keep an eye out for stink bugs this year. They have arsenic in them which is what causes the odor, and they were EVERYWHERE. Luckily both of the ones I caught in the sump were still alive... as I could easily see them crashing a smaller tank :-\
  3. Turbosek's Avatar
    I had a wasp in my sump the other day! It is the middle of winter and the house is all closed up. What the heck! I have no idea where it came from.
  4. NEReef's Avatar
    I had a black ant get into my tank once and it got eaten by my acan. It was eventually spit out as a long stick-like mass of legs.