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Valonia scraping/cleanup video

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Decided to use my last day of vacation to continue the Valonia cleanup of my tank, with a small video showing how I'm brute-force scraping it off the rock with a water change.

The idea is that the bubbles I eventually pop get their spores sucked into the water change.

As the video shows that is probably not 100% true as sometimes the hose's suction isn't fast enough because it's clogged with previously sucked up bubbles.

Here we go:

I have about four to five times the area I cleared in that video still to clean.... as you can see, I wasn't exaggerating when I joked I almost had a FOWLV ("Fish Only With Live Valonias") tank a few posts ago .

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  1. Heathd's Avatar
    Nice, looks like a pretty solid method. Hopefully it works and gets it all cleared up. My mithrax crabs put in a dent in the one large rock that I have covered with the stuff, but they havent made much progress in the last two weeks.
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Were you using a pump or just siphoning water out of the tank?
  3. snorkeler's Avatar
    Just siphoning, no pump. Valonias are strong, I think they would jam the pump.
  4. Mockery's Avatar
    Get an adapter to increase the tube size to 1/2 in or so that way no clogging.
  5. snorkeler's Avatar
    That's a good idea Mockery, I like it. The Valonias that make it past the smaller tip won't clog in the wider tube. Time to find an adapter...