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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Eurobracing part 1

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The bracing is still being added, so here are some shots of the first sets of bracing. The bottom has a small internal eurobrace, its about 1" wide.

The top bracing is still in progress, so far only half has been installed.

So I think the builder will be back twice more; one for the last of the eurobracing and the overflow, and then probably for clean up. We're debating doing the clean-up ourselves, but haven't really made any decisions, as I'm afraid to touch the tank.

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Tags: custom tank
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  1. Heathd's Avatar
    Looks like they laid down some nice fat beads of silicone during the construction.
  2. michika's Avatar
    They use a lot of silicone in the process, they brought a box initially with I think 16 or more tubes. They've gone through over half of it I believe.

    Builders are tentatively coming back tonight or tomorrow to finish the rest of the tank!
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    To finish, cool! I bet it will be hard not to add water soon. But ya been planning the tank for so long maybe it won't be hard to wait a little longer. ;-)
  4. michika's Avatar
    Its actually very hard not to. I've been very good about staying away from the tank since the builders brought the glass in. I really want to go out and buy bulkheads and all the valves I need, but I'm trying to exercise my self control and wait until after the holidays.
  5. brotherd's Avatar
    Any updates yet?
  6. michika's Avatar
    Many, although I seem to be trapped by laziness lately....maybe later today.