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Video of my 240g reef tank

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Well I tried my hand at making a video with my camera, apparently youtube didn't like my choice of music so there is no sound

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  1. ghummel's Avatar
    Nice setup!! ... just out of curiosity what music did you have with it?

  2. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Don Henleys "Sit Down your rocking the boat" and Van Halen's "Baluchitherium" something about a copyright

    I know I know, gotta have written permission......
  3. coralcouple's Avatar
    Awesome tank, awesome video. How long has this tank been up and running? Looks like awhile, everything is grown out so well! Love it, love the corals, love the fish!
  4. Blown76mav's Avatar

    This tank is less than 5 months old. All of it came out of my 150g that was set up for a couple of years and before that a 65g.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    WOW!!! Your tank is very beautiful Lonnie. Everything is looking happy and healthy. ;-)
  6. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    looking great lonnie its matured so much since I was at your house last. Guess I have to invite myself back over again lol