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The Plunge Phase 2

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Ok so a busy busy week and here is how it went down.
Tuesday AM went and took down a 77gal system with a friend. It consisted of about 70lbs of rock/ 60lbs of sand some fish and soft corals. The fish and coral where bagged to take to my LFS for safe keeping while I changed over my 108gal tank. The rock was all put into buckets filled and with water to come home with me that I placed in a large tote with my fluval 404 running for circulation/filtering and a 300watt heater. (media from 77gal filter was placed in my 404) The lighting was 2 46” glow fixtures one was placed on the tote for the rock until my tank was ready for it. Went to work and then in the evening fish where moved to new homes. Long day
Wenesday I was called in to work so little was done but I was able to get the tank cleaned up and ready for water.
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ID:	3313 Thursday/Friday the water days. The sand from the 77gal was cleaned then placed in the aquarium along with 40lbs of crushed coral and 60lbs of sand. I added about 25gal of RO/DI water that I had stocked up. Made a few trips to a local supplier of RO water and added about 50gals of RO water. LFS was kind enough to allow me to do some water changes in their tanks so I added the reaming water that way. The theory behind using some of their water was just to help kick start my system.

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Saturday I cleaned the live rock I acquired and bought an additional 30lbs of live rock so that I would be up to 100lbs. I placed my rock with 2 things in mind ability to clean all areas of the glass/dead spots and hiding places for inhabitants. I am not wowed by it but it will do for now until I can think of something better and get some epoxy stuff. I was also thinking I may end up getting an additional 80lbs of base rock at some point as I think I have the room for it and will need some for the sump I will someday install.
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ID:	3315 As far as nitrates I have tested a few times already and got 0 or less than 0.1 anyway.

In summary here is what I am running.
1. About 100lbs of live rock
2. 160lbs of sand and crushed coral 1.5” to 2” of depth
3. 1 Hydro Koralia Evolution 1400 rated for 1400gph a Power Sweep 228 (rotating power head) rated at 270gph
4. 1 Fluval 405 with surface skimmer add on media are sponges, 1 tray of filter spheres, 1 with Seachem Phosphate control, 1 with carbon and 1 with polly wool(only used during set up) used to clear up the water. 1 Fluval 404 running basically the same thing.
5. Lighting is 3 Glow t5 ho fixtures hung 3.5” from surface of the water. One is new and has 2 new marine glow blubs (center) on either side I have the used blubs that are set up 50/50 power glow and marine glow. The center fixture currently comes on at 8am and goes out at 10pm the other 2 come on at 11am and go out at 4pm. I will probably set up a timer for each one but just have not gotten that far yet.

3 300wat heaters 2 standardize ones at each end and one Fluval E series

Today(Sunday) I plan to add my one Chromis but will probably get an additional 2. Stay with the 3 for as long and I can stand it and then add some more of my fish that are at the LFS (2 clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 Large hippo tang). Once they are all in I will get my corals a green brain (neon green in color) 2 good size colines of button polyps, and a good size Pulsating Xenia.

Well that is about it for now. If anyone has any comments or suggestions please feel free as I am relativity new to this so welcome them. Thanks again

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