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Snorkeler's Cube

'Algae A Problem Solver Guide' book, read it...

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Got myself a copy of Julian Sprung's 'Algae, A Problem Solver Guide' looking for insights in the battle against algae.

The book is compact and easy to read if you don't fret about the many scientific species names and terms.

I learned that a lot of different things have the same common name 'Green Hair Algae' and they're not eaten by exactly the same herbivores.

Also learned how Valonia are hardy... they store nitrates at high concentrations inside the bubble.

The book has many photos, some of them of microscopic features which helped me understand why my GHA changes color sometimes (it doesn't, it's diatoms attacking the GHA).

It is a little old (2002) but much of the research it mentions was conducted in the mid 20th century so I guess this type of knowledge builds up slowly and another 8 years probably haven't changed much the game.

Last but not least this book made me think of getting a Tuxedo Urchin as 'preventive herbivore' in the future :-).

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Updated 12-10-2010 at 03:27 PM by snorkeler

Algae , ‎ Review


  1. msr224's Avatar
    Ok, so what's the permanent cure all snake oil for curing algae problems????


    if only.........