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My 120 gallon DIY Stand base

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I am building my stand so that it has three sections (the 120 and two 20 gallon stands). This is my first wood working project. I have to say it is fun. The 120 gallon stand was easy to get squared but the two 20 gallon stands didn’t want to cooperate. I used RocketEngineer DIY Stand Template and Calculator on reefcentral to build the stand base.

Design using sketch up

I used the Kreg jig which made it so easy. I would highly suggest paying the money to buy one.

Here is a picture of the jig in action!

I made all my cuts first.

To make it easier I made this little jig. There is a technical name for it but I never took shop so I don’t know what it is.

I then used the kreg jig to make all of the pocket holes. This took a little thought to make sure I had them where they needed to be.

Once all cuts were made and all pocket holes drilled I was able to assemble the stand.

After I made the 2 stands I used plywood for the top, the bottom where the sump will sit and the back. I then painted everything with kilz.

I will skin the rest of the stand at a later date when I have more funds. This build is going to take some time unless I get a job soon.

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Tags: kreg, stand
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