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Aquascaping the 245G

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After all of the Thanksgiving Festivities yesterday, I got some motivation to aquascape the 245G. At MACNA, I had purchased a bunch of Marco Rock to use as the rock for this tank. I was really happy with the rock and how it came together. I ended up going with 4 separate islands. Here are the pics on how thing turned out.

Full Tank Shot

Left Side

Left Side (Top Down)

Right Side

Right Side (Top Down)

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  1. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    I think it's cool that you put an island in front of another in a way, it makes for a dimensional look. I found it's harder to take pictures that capture it well though. Bravo!
  2. melev's Avatar
    Taking pictures from above was a great idea. We don't see that enough.
  3. dread240's Avatar
    quite similar to what I went with on mine. I used the e-marco putty (read quick set concrete) to kinda make my islands a bit more slender... I wanted them tall but not really wide to give me lots of negative space in the tank.

    Get some water and lights over that thing and lets see what ya got.
  4. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks for the comments guys! I thought that taking the pics from a top down view would give a better look at how everything came together. My goal is to have all three set ups (180, 245, and the Breeding setup) going by New Years.
  5. dahenley's Avatar
    one thing i would change would be the rocks that are against the glass.....
    i have done that and figured i would be fine with it, but it always bothers me and you cant clean the coraline algae and the regular algae either.
    slide those far enough away to get a mag float away from it and to get a razor blade there.
  6. dahenley's Avatar
    also, you can drill the rocks with a drill bit and use those fiberglass rods (the one used for culvert reflectors)
    those will hold the piles from falling over. (did that on my wife's tank, and it works great. plus everything is sturdy and wont fall over during misc maintenance)