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Did you get an email from RA?

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I sent out an email to all our users but I think it stopped at 228 people instead of the 1900+. Can someone that has registered here in the last few months let me know if you got an email from today talking about our Facebook contest we're running right now?

Thanks. If you're one of the first 228 to sign up in January, you got the email. This only applies to people near the end of the list.

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  1. Spyder's Avatar
    No email here.
  2. NightShade's Avatar
    nope. . . joined 6-19
  3. David W's Avatar
    No email for me...
  4. marks69's Avatar
    I didn't but just got the thanksgiving one.
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    Thanks guys. I just sent it out again. it did stop at the first time at 200 something.
  6. David W's Avatar
    Just got it.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Yes, I got four of them today. Nice job, but they'd look better with HTML.
  8. jonbear's Avatar
    no email for me......
  9. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Yes, I got four of them today. Nice job, but they'd look better with HTML.
    Marc you got four because you were part of the first 200 and you have two names. Yes it'd look better with HTML but I didn't know how to do that

    If you haven't got an email be sure you have added to your contact list. And that you have a valid email address listed on your profile.
  10. Eric B's Avatar
    I got it sometime early this am!
  11. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Yep, two of them
  12. jonbear's Avatar
    got it now thanks
  13. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    I got 2 but I signed up in January.
  14. Jaxom's Avatar
    I received one
  15. upster's Avatar
    I rec'd one
  16. washingtond's Avatar
    No email so far.
  17. michika's Avatar
    I've never received anything.