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Homebred happiness

Rating: 5 votes, 4.40 average.
How many of you out there have ever sat in front of your tank and sighed, remembering how exciting the hobby was when you got your first tank set up? Recalling the hours you spent staring in wonder at the infinte diversity you poured your heart and soul into building into your reef. The countless water changes performed, the meticulous testing you did and redid hoping that stubborn nitrate test wouldn't turn red. Even something a simple as seeing your first limpet stuck to the glass and thinking to yourself, where did that come from, or better yet, is he a "Good Guy" or a "Bad Guy". Now fast forwarding to the present you find yourself several years into the adventure, and it all but kills you to get up off the couch just to MagFloat the glass. Gone are the days when you struggled to keep every last bubble algae or aiptasia from seeing the light of day...

Yeah I was there, I think we all have been, or will be, there whether we'll admit it or not. I found myself at that point around the beginning of 2009. I was about two years into my latest tank. Full blown SPS reef with all the bells and whistles, making frags, going to the swaps, making a buck or two, etc... On this inside, I was bored with it all. I wasn't getting filthy rich, didn't have the newest of the new corals, blah blah blah...

Things changed on March, 14th 2009 when my biggest fan (Father-In-Law) says, "Hey Kurt, what are these orange things all over the rock?" With my back to the tank I blurt out some typical reefer answer like, "They're colonial tunicates." Of course, I said this while watching TV without really looking at the tank. Next thing he says is "How come the clownfish is rubbing his butt on them?" So at this point I guess I better get up and take a look....

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So for the next hours I am absolutely blown away. I was so taken back by this I didn't really know what to do, besides stare at them.

This is where the rest of the story begins....

Let's move to the present, starting with an intrroduction. My name is Kurt Schneider and I am definitely an addict! I've been in this hobby since 2003 and have had all types of reef tanks; Mixed, LPS, SPS, Planted, etc... My true passion for the hobby was reinvented that day and now I am pretty much head long, knee deep, into breeding marine fish and inverts. My wife, and best friend, has supported this addiction and if had to thank one person it would be her, Thanks Martina.

I thought I would start off with the Breeding Room. The space I used for it is lcoated in my basement. There is a small room down there which houses my central air conditioning. The previous owners of the house had a laundry room in this spot. The good news for me is direct access to water, the room was outfitted with a stationary wash basin, hot and cold running water and a drain right in the concrete floor (a blessing for any reefer). Over a period of 6 months it has been transformed from a waste of space to my most favorite place in the house.

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Breeding Rack:

Constructed from: 2 x 10's, 2 x 4's, 3/4 inch plywood
Plumbing: Central sump design
Tanks: (8) 10 Gallon Aqueon tanks (drilled with 1 inch thread x thread bulkheads)
Lighting: 2 standard issue Home Depot double 32 watt T5 light assembly. Running simple daylight bulbs.
Filtration: DIY Sump with Bioballs sectioned off from a Lifereef SVS3-24 Protein Skimmer. Currently using a Mag 12 to push wtaer through the pipes.

To the right side of my rack is a tabletop I built. On it sits my larval tanks, rotifers, and brine shrimp hatchery. For larval tanks I am using 5.5 gallon Aqueon tanks. Rotifers cultures are being grown in two 2 gallon buckets.

I would say setting this all up from ordering the parts to final assembly has cost around a thousand bucks, with the most expensive single purchase being the skimmer. I've always had a passion for building things and doing this project was very fulfilling. Just getting your hands around something like this can be daunting. My father-in-law, who assisted in some of the building told me to break it down in small steps and before you know it you'll be looking for something else to build. He was absolutely spot on. I cannot think of one thing that was overly difficult during this assembly process. Drilling the tanks was the most nerve racking but after the first one it was old hat.

So Kurt - What exactly are you breeding in there.....

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I started with Tomato Clowns which are housed in my main SPS reef. The eggs, at the top, in the first picture were literally the first eggs I had ever seen and were the first fish I attempted to raise. After much frustration, long hours, and love, I finally got the knack for them. It has sort of blossomed out from there. I have been very fortunate to have hooked up with some great pairs of fish from good folks on RC. I have a spawning pair of Percula clowns who, albeit young, have produced two egg batches of which none have survived past three weeks, still much to learn from species to species. My current attentions are being directed at a pair of Gold Striped Maroon clownfish. Still learning the in's and out's of this particular species. I have 7 fish from their first hatch at 3 weeks of age and another 250 going on their fourth day. I am participating in the breeders challenges sponsored my and this years choices include: Firefish, Dragonfaced Pipefish, Banggai Cardinal's (not pictured) and Peppermint Shrimp, so they are currently being conditioned for breeding as well.

It's funny how my hobby has evolved and just when I'm getting down on it, new things pop up, and it's these changes that really spark new interest for me. I hope to be able to share my knowledge with other folks who are thinking of new ways to get excited about reefing again. I'm a pretty easy guy to find out here on the fish boards so feel free to look me up, shoot me a PM, whatever. Anything to share the knowledge and fun!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!


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Updated 03-01-2010 at 08:56 AM by landlord

Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Propagation - fish & corals


  1. drakedeming's Avatar
    I am new to all this but I am very curious and would like to get into this eventually. Do you already have a lfs that will be buying the babies from you when they are large enough? How does that work? I love the set up.
  2. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by drakedeming
    I am new to all this but I am very curious and would like to get into this eventually. Do you already have a lfs that will be buying the babies from you when they are large enough? How does that work? I love the set up.
    Glad to hear about your interest. It's a great sidebar to the whole reefkeeping hobby for sure. As for your questions....

    I'm not the greatest salesman out there so I've not really pushed mty babies off on any particular LFS. I know a lot of the local shop owners here in KY so I've been offloading most of the juvenile fish i have in trade for frozen food. Yup, you heard right, my de-facto motto has become "Will breed for food". I've also traded for fish too. I guess after all the time I put into rearing and raising them there is no joy in selling them. I mean I wouldn't turn away any offers from the local LFS's but it's not my endgame. I breed a few batch of this species or that, trade them off at a steal and move on to a different species.

    It's a total win for me since I simply enjoy the process and to be able to have an endless supply of fish food is like a double win!

    Take Care --Kurt
  3. landlord's Avatar
    New pair of Onyx clowns just arrived via UPS. Gotta run home and warm 'em up.
  4. mhowe9's Avatar
    Cool stuff landlord! Great set up.
  5. Plantguy's Avatar
    Great post! The joy of the hobby/Addiction, so much to experience, that there is always something to suck you back in.
  6. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Thanks for the info,keep posting.
  7. Pranoti's Avatar
    Enjoyed your post Looking forward to more updates!!
  8. Mits's Avatar
    I'm looking forward to the day when hobbyists can contribute to the breeding of species that aren't tank bred yet. The more we can self sustain our hobby the better!
  9. Paulo's Avatar
    Your setu looks very nice. I like to see people breeding and fragging. this keeps some fish and corals in the oceans. I am not someone that think that everything should be captive bred, but it is nice to see that it is becomming more popular. When my clowns spawn they are the nightmares of the tanks lol. After I go on vacation in march I think I will try to raise some. They spawned around a month age then last night they nipped the zoa back and started spawning. we will see whats in there in a few hours when light go on.
  10. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulo
    Your setu looks very nice. I like to see people breeding and fragging. this keeps some fish and corals in the oceans. I am not someone that think that everything should be captive bred, but it is nice to see that it is becomming more popular. When my clowns spawn they are the nightmares of the tanks lol. After I go on vacation in march I think I will try to raise some. They spawned around a month age then last night they nipped the zoa back and started spawning. we will see whats in there in a few hours when light go on.
    Thanks Paulo - I too am not someone who preaches from the altar of 100% captive raised, but I recently heard a talk given about the industry and found it to be quite alarming. Hearing about what happened to the bird and reptile industries was kind of an eye opener. The good times won't last forever and those fish we take for granted when we pass by them in the LFS may not be available tomorrow. I'm just glad that what I have found new and exciting about the hobby can also lead to a more sustainable hobby in the future.
  11. landlord's Avatar
    To all those with warm thought and well wishes..... Thanks
  12. fishtal's Avatar
    Kurt looks great! It's great to see people getting into captive breeding. You might be interested in the breeding program that we've started: Check it out and join in if you'd like.
  13. landlord's Avatar
    Tal - Thanks for the invite and the kind words. I read the MASM posts and it sounds like a pretty great program you all have in the works. You lined up some innovative speakers as well. I've read many of Matt's posts, and yours on MOFIB and this particular initiative sounds pretty inviting.

    Take Care and as if you haven't been told already, Congrats on your achievement award!

  14. drimo's Avatar
    Great write-up Kurt! I'd like to see your setup in person someday.
  15. landlord's Avatar
    Anytime - Shouldn't be too hard to talk my wife into letting me host a meeting. Thanks for the kind words!
  16. SavunSok's Avatar
    Great article, how are the maroon clown babies coming along? What is your plan for the pipefish?
  17. Cantankerous Kevin's Avatar
    Awesome setup! Do I have to pay "Rent" if I land on your property and want to take a tour?
  18. riderc82's Avatar
    Nice setup
  19. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SavunSok
    Great article, how are the maroon clown babies coming along? What is your plan for the pipefish?
    Thanks for asking. I have currently stopped harvesting eggs from the GSM parents. I have 3 different batches going between the ages of 2 and 4 weeks. All fish left have gone through meta and have their stripes! Yay! So now I will have about 150 babies for a growout tank. It'll be awhile before I can trade them all away. Now I am hoping to get one of my percula pairs to resume laying so I can give them a shot.

    The pipefish I am trying to raise are part of my submission into the 2010 Breeders Challenge over at They vote on and select several species of fish and an invert entry each each in the hopes of getting more information out on how to breed some easy and some hard to breed species. I am giving a hand at the pipefish but also firefish (unsuccessful to date) and peppermint shrimp of which I am haveing some success. I think I have about 3-4 three week old juvenile shrimp going right now.
  20. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cantankerous Kevin
    Awesome setup! Do I have to pay "Rent" if I land on your property and want to take a tour?

    No "Bank Error in your Favor" cards being given out over here! I've spiked the deck with "Go to Jail"

    Thanks Kevin