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New Corals!

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I'm pretty happy with how clean and stable my tank is now since adding an algae scrubber last spring and switching to 2 part dosing instead of just using kalk in my top off. So I decided it was time for some new corals.

So started browsing Reef Koi's web site and here's what I came up with.

One little Acro frag. Colors aren't too bright yet, but this is a green coral with purple polyps.

A sour apple birds nest coral.

This little Christmas favia.

This was a purple encrusting monti, but unfortunately the shipment spent too much time in the back of a cold delivery van and this one didn't make it. Next time I'll have them hold it for pick-up.

And I traded Tuan a new Acan from Reef Koi for this frag. Don't remember what he said it was, a Milli perhaps?

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Updated 11-13-2010 at 09:24 PM by melev

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    Quite quite nice. I'm really looking forward to doing some more sps in this new tank setup. I have way better lighting this time around then what I did on my 29g, so I'm hoping I can keep it solid.

    I really like those bright red shrooms too You should mail me some when they start splitting and I'll toss you some green rhodactis
  2. melev's Avatar
    Congratulations. Corals in the arctic circle at last. I see you have an arctic coral already.

    That last one is very likely a pocillopora.

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  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Dread, Are you sure you want to pay shipping from Alaska for a shroom? They've hardly spread in the past 4 years since I got them.

    Marc, I think you're right, that's a Pocillopora. The monti still has polyps showing, even though it's completely bleached, so I'm holding out hope. After I tossed my last 'arctic' monti I found a little tiny patch with about 2 polpys stuck to the base rock that has continued growing. It's about 3/8" now.