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New to RA, newly set-up tank :)

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Firstly, Hi everyone at Reef Addicts I've recently fallen into the world of saltwater aquariums, after my mum purchased a tank for me for my 18th birthday. I'm now about 1 month and 300 dollars or so into it. I plan to update about once a week, just to keep a record of my tank's progress and to help collect my thoughts; perhaps maybe give you guys a bit of a good read?

Well, as my tank stands now:
30G Glass

Basic hang-on filter
Basic submersible heater (works marvelously actually)
Digital Thermometer
Hydor Powerhead
In-tank Hydrometer
Regular Hydrometer
24" 10K Light
24" 240 Actinic Lighting

Fish pals:
1 Golden Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Oscillated Dragonet (Scooter Blenny
2 Nasarrius Snails
1 Polyp of some unknown soft coral (hitch hiker on a LR from LFS)
This really strange creature that hides in my live rock, and 3 tentacles occasionally peek out to filter feed(i assume). It never comes out from the crevices of my LR, so I have no idea what it is. The tentacles are white with black bands.
and I have roughly 15-20 pounds of LR.

Its a good start for now, however I have a button polyp or two in my sights when I get my paycheck Any questions are comments please feel free to post!

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Updated 11-08-2010 at 01:04 PM by Jessy

Tank - Full Summary


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Caviar, welcome to Reef Addicts! Also check out

    One of my 1st tanks were a 30 gallon. I believe that is a very nice viewable tank. That creature in your tank sounds like a serpent starfish. I have a few in my tank that live in the live rock that are white with the black bands on them.

    One advice I can give you is go slow with the tank. When you first start off the tank will cycle. Read up and reserch and you will do fine!

    Good luck,

  2. Caviar's Avatar
    Thank Hat

    And I cycled already, using damsels (yes, Im aware thats frowned upon, but I assure your their doing fine in my buddies tank now).
    serpent starfish? I'll have to look that up!