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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Just in time for the holidays

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We finally have a firmer schedule on our tank build!
- This afternoon; sign off on the build plans with Concept Aquariums (our builder)
- End of November; glass arrives to the builder
- December; Tibet is assembled on-site in my basement!

I've been seeing all these posts for clams, and corals, and its killing me not to be buying anything. I am having a hard time exercising patience.

We bought the supplies to make a Majano Zapper. I'm hoping to assemble it tonight and try it out. I love the idea of it, and I have a sea of mojanos that have popped up in the back 40 of my 180g holding/grow out tank. My other half wants to try out something slightly different then the exact build outlined by some other posters here and at RC, so I'm going to let him. If he screws up it was only $15 and most of the parts can be reused in other projects, or recycled.

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Tags: mojanos, pests
Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects


  1. MeVsTheWorld's Avatar
    Make sure and take lots of pics during the build Sounds like it's going to be awesome.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I just submitted an order to Reef Koi.

    Sorry, couldn't resist
  3. michika's Avatar
    Better post photos now Phil, 'cause I'm living vicarioiusly through you!