Conversation Between melev and Hat39406

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol... Sorry, I had the link to it and forgot to put it. My wife and I believes we are going with T5 HO light strip that goes on top of tank with brackets. While researching I've found that the T5 HO's are better for the corals than a VHO system. What do you think? I was going to put them on this Friday. I'm not putting anything in tank till this coming weekend. I put the sand in already though, that's it though. I'm also going to add another 20 pounds of sand before the weekend. I love the setup! The water is so clear it looks like no water is in the tank...awesome. I took readings and they are better than the readings of my old tank. When the lights are on I will post all the pics. ;-)
  2. What ballast? There are no pictures with visitor messages.
  3. Hey Marc, can I use this ballast to run 2 of my bulbs? I have a total of 4 bulbs but have 2 ballast which runs 2 bulbs. So all I need is ballast for 2 and I think this will work. I would néed to hook up power cord though, that's simple right?
  4. Hey Marc, I was looking at lighting design lately and seen on Melev's Reef the 55 gallon page where I believe you added some t5's and what looks like two MH bulbs. If I remember right they had one on each side. My question is: when you build that did you and well can you get everything you need from the building supply stores and then maybe just buy the bulbs from a maring place? I figure it would be cheaper and I can add two like you did with my PC's and I will have enough light for the corals to grow good. Let me know and if so do you have a parts list for the project you did, I did not see one on your site. Thanks in advance, Henry
  5. Good. Hopefully they will cooperate.
  6. I'm going to ask the LFS I bought it from for a store credit and ask them to order me a real one.
  7. My 55g came with a Seaclone, but it was garbage. It didn't do a thing for that tank, and I was angry that I even wasted electricity on that little feed pump. I did modify a CPR Bakpak II skimmer, making it work better. Later I upgraded to an Aqua-C Remora that was much better. I don't care who tells you the Seaclone is a good skimmer, they are 100% wrong and have never used a decent one if they think they're right. The Remora skims up to 65g, and a Remora Pro skims a 125g. The Urchin and Urchin Pro are the same skimmer, but designed to run in a sump.
  8. Hey Melev, I believe that I read on Melevs Reef that you used a skimmer like the one I have (SeaClone) and you hadd to tweak it in order to get it to work good. What did you have to do? I got it working but it doest seem to get the foam to over flow much. The foam is usually at the top of the tube, but doesn't go over much.

    Thanks for your help in this matter in advance,

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8