Conversation Between duckyvirus and snorkeler

4 Visitor Messages

  1. lol. 3W RGB led from china $0.07 not that expensive... my big issue will be sorting out the shift register(s) and how to get em all working together. i will be adding a branch to your google code once i've got the hardware all here and i can get something working.
  2. Sure, no problem basing off my code. It is under a GPLv3 license so you are completely free to build upon it.

    RGB LEDs would be a cool idea, although a little more expensive. It would cost too much over here, but I'd love to use them!
  3. 1 more thing, i cannot locate the thread you were talking about with hardware details, although im not so sure that really matters anymore as i'm thinking of just using the 1mos driver style i've used before to switch the +12v line to the LEDs unless i finally cave to my urges to use RGB leds as i was thinking a small thread of red in the sunrise/sunset would be nice. lol. before i sound any MORE like an ADD kid i'll shutup, but let me know what you think of the RGB idea.
  4. haha, finally had the time to find you, thought you might want to know, that im taking the arduino project of mine way past just the lights. decided using i2C and a lot of work i can build an entire tank management system, but before i delve into the lighting add-on/etc i wanted your permission to base my work from your code (and you'd receive FULL credit). let me know before i hunt down your hardware setup. thanks.
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