Conversation Between psokou and Jessy

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Jessy,

    I am working with NFA and goverment to get their side of the sotry on the SEASMART issue and will post it up shortly probaby here and Reefbuilders, through Brian Blank, I'm just letting you know. The managing director of NFA has togo through the article before it is posted.

  2. Hi Jessy, I am sticking around with seasmart forever and Id love to keep you all posted of SEASMART activities here in PNG.
  3. Hi Philip! Are you a sticking around SEASMART? Or are you moving on to other ventures? If you are around for a while, I'll upgrade your account so you can write articles and keep us posted on SEASMART! Nice to see you around here! Thanks for signing up.
  4. hi Jessie, i just registered. thanks for the seasmart story.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4