Conversation Between melev and Jkohuts

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes, it's a simple solution that works easily. You can place it where you like, and change it later if need be.
  2. hey marc i saw how you did your return on your 55 with just 1 in my pump does the same gph as the mag 9 you think i should just go 1 inch and just an elbow like you in the tank?
  3. One on each side is fine, like I explained in your blog. The overflow in the center works well, but you do need to see if you get any dead spots from time to time. Simply look up at the surface and see if the water is nice and clear across the entire surface area, or if you see what looks like an oil slick. If you see them, change the orientation of your returns or move the overflow to help suck that stuff away so the surface stays clean.
  4. hey marc,

    what you think about having 2 returns on one side and the overflow on the other on a 55, or have the overflow in the center with a return on either side. i plan on getting an vortech mp40 or 20 haven't decided yet. these are going to replace my korila pumps. sorry i reposted on your visitor messages I didn't describe my problem very well in the blog

    thanks a ton

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