Conversation Between melev and Gkarshens

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Might at least be worth a call if you haven't ordered already. They may be able to expedite it for you. Either way I am sure you will have fun building the new setup. That is my favorite part of this hobby!
  2. Thanks Gabriel. I didn't even consider AGE because I know they cost a fortune and there's always a long wait. Hopefully the one I'm planning now will be built quickly. I'll know a little more later this week, and hopefully get a timeline idea.
  3. Hey Marc! Really sorry to hear about your tank! I am not sure if you have ordered a new one yet or not, but John at Kingfish told me yesterday that he would be happy to help you out with an AGE tank. It might be worth a call. Let me know if you need his number. Hopefully you will be back on your feet again soon. I can't imagine the stress and heartache.
  4. Hi Gabriel.
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