Conversation Between TDTA1181 and melev

2 Visitor Messages

  1. You could try out some birds nest and pocillopora to start with. If those work out, add some Green Slimer as that is a beautiful staghorn acropora.
  2. Hey Melev, I read u're article on keeping sps corals and found it very helpful, I have a couple of questions for you. Is there any easier acro's that u would recommend? I'm looking for something that would prefer a placement at top of my tank. I've never experimented w/ them, I do have some green and pink birdsnest and a pink cup coral that seem to do well. I have a taller more narrow 46gal tank w/ 6 T-5HO bulbs, reef octopus skimmer but no sump. My current stand doesn't have room for one unfortunately. I usually do a water change every 10 days approximately 5 gallons.
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