Conversation Between Mits and Hat39406

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey my friend, how's the new setup? I hope ya been doing good. I haven't seen ya blogging in a while. I can't wait to see a new update from ya with lots of pics. ;-)
  2. Wow, sorry to hear all the bad news. ;-( Did most of the algae go away? The biopeellets,, is that the stuff that replaces vodka? But, I'm glad you are still enjoying your tank no matter what seems to get in ya way. ;-)
  3. It's getting there, but with some setbacks that I didn't foresee. My ph has been running over 8.5 during the day, and it's just starting to get down. My hippo tang jumped out of the old tank right before the move, my cleaner shrimp died of stress in the frag tank after I moved his frogspawn back over, and I just went through a nasty algae bloom. Now my skimmer pump died and I just discovered red flatworms yesterday. That seems like a long list of issues, but it's really minor in the grand scheme of the tank. I'm loving it so far, I just need to replace the skimmer pump, mh bulbs, and get the new sump in there. I would also like to add a reactor with some biopellets too.
  4. Hey Mits, how's the new setup doing? Man, you really did a great job on the whole DT and frag tank setups. ;-)
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