Conversation Between mulebutter and melev

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Right on! Thanks! Yeah, all seems to be well! Yaaayyy! I love diy's! Thanks a ton! I promise pics this weekend of the sump, her tank, and mine as well as full backrounds on all.
  2. That's excellent to hear/read. I'm happy it is working out for you now. Keep posting and we'll be here to help, laugh, or cry as need be. hehe
  3. I actually have a 1" bulk head. But tonight I got crazy, and cranked the return way up. It blew micro bubble for a few minutes cause it drained its side of the sump, but then, BAM! Things equaled out for the most part, and I found a new happy medium between 3/4 and 7/8 capacity. So, your overflow could handle a lot more than I thought. This weekend I made it a goal to get some good pics of both tanks and the sump and do some good posts. I already went through tonight with the scraper and got everything photo ready. Thanks again, I can't tell you how hepful you, and everybody is on this site. Its so great to have so much diverse, hands on experience because I wanna do everything right!
  4. The size of the draining bulkhead is more than likely the reason you can't use the full pump's potential, unless you are using too big a pump. A 1" bulkhead does a good job of draining about 300gph through it, quietly.
  5. Thanks for all the help! I built your overflow, and its so sweet!! But, im curious about how you mentioned in your diy about it you'd consider making the all around siphon chamber a 3/4" gap rather than 1/2". I only ask because my return pun has to be turned WAY down to about 1/4 its potential because the overflow can't keep up only due to the siphon. I would love to be able to get a bit more flow going so I can delete one of the powerheads in my girlfriends tank. Thanks for any input, I greatly apriciate it because from what I gather you're pro ahoy swamped.
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