Red Planaria, Montipora-eating nudibranchs, Sundial snails, Acropora-eating flatworms, aeolids, zoanthid spiders, red bugs, bobbit worms, aiptasia, acropora spiders, Texas Trash Palythoas, Vermetid snails, manjano anemones, whelks, parasitic isopods, flukes, cryptocaryon irritans, xanthid crabs, blue-eyed coral crabs, pyramidellid snails, Onene fulgida & mollusc-eating flatworms.
It's easy to use. Thaw out a small portion in some tank water, and pour it in. Don't rinse it because you'll waste some key ingredients. Use this food instead of the normal fare, and the fish will literally develop a taste for these parasitic creatures. If you stick to this method daily and only offer this diet for no less than 90 days, the fish in your reef will seek out and eliminate every pest permanently. That's awesome! Once the tank is cleaned up, you can resume using the other popular flavors like Original, Krill+, Fish Eggs, Herbivore, Predator, Pacific Plankton, Fish Only, Coral, and Seaweed.
The production run has begun and the Pest-Flavored mix will be available at your LFS in the frozen food section. If you don't see it, be sure to ask for it. Priced at $14 a package, everyone will be clamoring to get some. Remember, you have to get three-months' worth for this to work. To me, that's a no brainer.
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