When Hurricane Sandy slammed into the New Jersey area in 2012, power outages abounded. People were evacuated and homes were washed away or simply destroyed. Most people were able to stay safe due to repeated warnings, but had to abandon their homes and their livestock.
Time has passed, tanks have been set up anew, and would be able to accept new livestock. The Atlanta Reef Club has stepped up and organized a donation to the victims using funding from their own 2008 MACNA earnings, teaming up with Proaquatix. They posted those details today:
The Atlanta Reef Club will be in NYC to share some love with those whose marine aquariums suffered losses due to extended power outages following Super Storm Sandy. Our friends at Proaquatix have joined us on this mission with a generous contribution to assist with the task. We will be giving away over TWENTY THOUSAND dollars worth (YES! $20K!) of fish livestock alone. Mainly designer clownfish, but also Neon + Orchid Dottybacks, and assorted corals will round things out.
We are asking only those who were actually impacted by the storm come to claim freebees. If your tank was okay and you gave away frags from your tank to those affected, we want you to come get some love too.
We will need to know how many people are showing up and who you are. We are going to ask those coming to R.S.V.P. The simplest way for us to do this and track things is for you to register as a user on our forum. ONLY THOSE WHO REGISTER AND R.S.V.P. WILL BE ELIGIBLE. Please go to http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/arcsignup.php
Register as a user with A.R.C. (No paid membership needed). Create a user name that begins with NACRE (North American Coral Restoration Effort) followed by whatever you like. We will then be able to print off a list of all those beginning with that name to know the number of those coming and check you off the list. Please use your real name when you register because a state-issued photo I.D. will be required for pickup. Becoming a registered member will suffice as your R.S.V.P. If after signing up you'd like to make a comment on this event please feel free to comment in the thread where the brain child for this began. http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forum...+relief&page=2
You can obviously comment here as well.
We apologize if this seems like a lot to go through but the value of the livestock being given away per person is rather significant. We need to plan as best we can for the turnout. We appreciate a Facebook page "Like" but that's not what this is about. Please share this with anyone you feel could participate or appreciate it. https://www.facebook.com/AtlantaReefClub
We are all in this together as a reefing community. We are small in numbers but passionate as people. Many may say the money being used here could go to some in much greater need, I won't disagree. What I do know, is the slice of peace and enjoyment my own tank gives me helps get me through days where work was bad, the baby was crying, and my health insurance rates went up. When the biggest problem of my day is an Alkalinity drop or sick fish, I realize life is pretty darn good. I don't ever want to experience a whole tank destroying-storm and could only hope that someone, far away, that I don't even know, would be willing to help.
Seth Peters (AKA Seth The Wine Guy) and the entire Atlanta Reef Club
They will be distributing corals and fish at Manhattan Aquariums on Saturday November 9th, 2013 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. to all pre-registered users. The corals will be purchased from the store using the club's money, rather than risk transporting corals to New York.
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