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  1. New To Site

    Just wanted to say hello I'm new to this site! Love the site Marc!!
  2. Need a favor

    Marc if this is not cool feel free to delete it.

    I'm in need of some results in a survey for a school project.


    Updated 04-07-2010 at 01:08 AM by melev

    Random Thoughts
  3. Lighting for my new tank

    I'm planning on using 3 250W Radiums...which apparently makes my choices of ballast very confusing.
    As far as reflectors (pendants, in my case) I was initially looking at the LumenBrights, but I was told yesterday by Aquarium Specialty that these do not come with glass shields, and thats a must for me.
    So I am now looking at the LumenMax 2s. Does anyone have recommendations here?

    As for ballasts, I know that the 250W Radium is only "correctly" driven by an ...
    Electrical , ‎ Lighting
  4. Wanted to finally say Hello!

    I've been a member here since January but haven't been around much yet. (Senior semester of engineering is kicking my BUTT!)
    My name is Aaron, I'm 23 and have been keeping a reef aquarium for about a year, and fresh water aquariums for much longer. Like many, I was inspired by Marc's site a few years ago, and finally got around to setting up a tank last year.
    This summer I will be relocating to Cleveland, OH (at least for a while...) and am going to set up a 180 gallon tank. Right ...
  5. just wanted to say hi

    new member, still checking out the site, in the process of setting up new system, so far i have vortech mp40w es, swc 160 cone protien skimmer, sicce 5.0 submersable return pump, 36x24x16 rimless starphire tank , in the process of building custom stand, and looking for some one (marc) to make me a custum sump