Has anyone ever had a red Flame Scallop in your tank? what is there to taking care of it? There are a few for sale at my Local Fish Store. Always looking for a interesting animal to add to the tank. Thanks Chris
Updated 07-30-2010 at 11:30 PM by melev
We found a baby Hammer coral attached and growing on a rock in our tank. It was discovered after we removed the mother colony which was sold this past weekend. It is in the center of these pictures. It is the size of a little finger nail.
I was walking down the stairs this morning to walk my wife out and I turned the tank lights on for her to see it before she left for work. (daily routine) She said look at this; I had to take a quick picture. I mounted some frags yesterday and my Emerald Crab thought he'd check it out! Sorry pic small, don't know why I can't make them bigger but it won't let me for some reason.
Updated 07-30-2010 at 08:56 PM by Hat39406
Today is the 25th day since the reef was taken down... the livestock has been in vats and I've done my best to maintain stable water parameters. Within the first few days, alkalinity shot up to 15dKH, and it took a week to let that burn off to 9 again. Currently, the water measures 10 dKH and the calcium reactor seems to be dialed in for the current set up. Within the first few days, PO4 was .03ppm. Amazed and impressed, I was happy to not have to worry about that number. ...
Hey all So Im thinking about upgrading my aquarium soon.. I have a 40 gal tank, and would probably get a 65 gal drilled tank. This will be my first experience with a sump.. I mean I have made water changes and worked in sumps before, but never started from scratch. Fo the sump I would probably use a 20 gal long tank. My questions are mostly for the return pump.. what would be a good strenght pump for that size tank?
Updated 07-30-2010 at 12:17 AM by melev