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  1. A snail can make all the difference

    The return assembly going into my reef enters at the right end of the tank, but touches nothing that would allow the clean up crew to get to the plumbing. I designed that portion to be removable so that section's occasional soaking would be relatively easy. However, a couple of weeks ago I decided to park a snail on one return and let it get a meal. Within two weeks, that return is nearly completely clean, while the other shows a striking difference. I'm thinking about putting a second snail ...
    Tags: penductors
  2. Two new eels - or - Eels On A Plane

    At MACNA, I spotted a pair of Golden Dwarf Moray eels on Friday that I was sure would sell immediately. They were paired up already, best friends for life. Come Sunday afternoon, they were still for sale much to my surprise. I've been wanting one for a long time, but two is twice as nice, right?!

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Views: 2117
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    Little haggling was done. We agreed upon a price and they attempted to bag them up. The first one went into the bag with no fuss, but the second ...

    Updated 09-03-2014 at 10:11 PM by melev

    New Additions
  3. When you have to travel, a tank sitter is usually best

    Recently I've read a few threads where people's tanks were dead when they arrived home after being away. I always make some type of arrangements to have someone stop by daily just to do a quick visual inspection and throw in some thawed food. Usually this works out quite well, but over this past weekend, it was somewhat of a cluster.

    Mere days before I had to leave, mine cancelled on me because he and his family were heading out of town as well. My home is automated so I texted another ...
    Tank Entry
  4. Additional information from Prodibio

    I just got back from MACNA late last night, but walked in on a semi messy situation. It took me about 30 minutes to get everything squared away, and I was really glad I didn't extend my trip by even a day. As you know from my previous blog, I concluded that I badly overdosed Prodibio and caused issues with some corals in the process. I also worked hard to get things back on track before it was time to fly to Denver.

    At the show, I explained what I had observed to the president ...
    Tank Entry
  5. A likely resolution

    I've been giving the current reef situation a lot of thought tonight as I'm preparing for my departure, and I believe I may have figured out where the excess bacteria is coming from.

    When I dose Prodibio's BioDigest and Bioptim, it requires two Pro vials to match my water volume (or so I thought). I'm using an alternate packaged vials now, which allows you to drip it in. Holding the two vials side by side, they don't match in volume. The front of the boxes has the same information ...
    Water Chemistry