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  1. Nuclear Fusion

    Here are some photos of some Nuclear green polyps that I've been trying to "morph" with a purple death polyp, My Initial experiences were featured in an article in Reef Hobbyist along with some early photos.
    I've been experimenting with this for well over a year going on 2 years, and have since added some other Paly morphs into the mix, and they have added to the beauty, They have taken on various amounts of purple, from half split, to streaks. They also have acquired a turquoise ...
  2. You aren't your khakis

    Hello fellow Reef Addicts! My name is James and after a couple of weeks of reading others posts and listening to podcasts, I've decided to join in the fun!

    I'm fairly proficient at the id of reef animals, but I guess I'll get to what you want to know, my reef!

    I run a fairly normal 75 gallon system. Eight 54 watt t-5s, overflow box, yada yada.
    I guess everyone thinks their reef is special or different from everyone elses, and no offense, but I find this to ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Random Thoughts
  3. What's the goal for your tank?

    If you are striving for an amazing reef, you need examples right? Here's one to strive for.

  4. purple firefish pair + Helfrichi Goby pair hmmmmm

    okay so im going to make this short because i have to run to work sooo

    i have the chance to get 2 Helfrichi Gobys for 80bucks, here they are normally 120 each, however in my tank (45cube) i already have a pair of purple firefish, im just thinking similar spicies+bodyshape+late addition= aggresion and dead fish, does anyone know if this will work? they are fairly pieceful fish last i checked.
  5. Spawning event?

    We got home from dinner tonight and found the tank full of small particles and a haze. They are dark green, about the size of a 'normal' freckle, and dissolve/smoosh without feeling them smoosh in your fingers.

    I did a water change today(the first in a few months...I know). Inhabitants now consist of 2 clowns, 1 sailfin tang, 1 green chromis, 3 clams, zoas, ricordea, GSP, 2 BTA, 1 cleaner shrimp, various snails(who have been egg laying), a few emerald crabs, some Anthelia, fuge ...

    Updated 07-08-2011 at 12:09 AM by melev

    Questions - Need some input