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  1. my scolymia at night

  2. The 180g build "The beginning"

    After getting settled in to the new house I decided on the perfect space for me next reef. While wanting to take a little more time off, I just couldn't help thinking of how great my next reef would be.

    I was planning a 300g in wall build with large fishroom in half of the garage. While the idea was just perfect in my head, my wife had other ideas. You see, she has been very tolerant of my reefing addiction over the years. She is actually the one that got me into saltwater but she ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects , ‎ Random Thoughts
  3. It's all been changed...

    Ok well my last entry was almost two years ago when this site was just getting going. I had posted about my 65g shallow sps reef build. Well about a month after that some things in life happened that changed my reefing plans! First, my wife and I found out that we were pregnant with our second child. Shortly after that news I received a promotion at work which required us to move to a new city. My plans were to get settled and then start my reef build back up again. Well work was crazy and then ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Lighting , ‎ Equipment , ‎ New Additions , ‎ Random Thoughts
  4. How to grow more Coralline algae?

    My tank has been up for over 2 years now and I just cannot get much coralline to grow. Seems like it does ok on the rock but none on the back glass and barely any on the overflow for a tank being this old. Whats the secret to success? Here are my parameters,

    CA 500
    NO3 15
    phos 0
    KH 10
    Salinity 1.025

    I do a 15% W/C every week.
  5. First SPS Coral!

    Hello everyone!Sorry about how much I blog I know I get annoying especially to melev cuz I always tag him but I cannot help myself lolAnyways about 1 hour ago I took the proverbial leap into the world of SPS corals by purchasing a decent size frag of Pocilliopora !!!!!! Now I would like to know of any previous encounters and specific care techniques and secrets of these corals so that i may have the best chances with my first SPS coral I use the exact same fixtures that this SPS is was grown ...