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  1. Light curves of my weather simulator

    First day of vacations, not feeling well, spent most of the day either at the bathroom or sleeping.... at night I was feeling a little better, so I decided to work on the Arduino sketch, try to finalize v1.0 of it. Testing was still needed, so I proceeded with the test generating sample light curves for the various day types. By day type I mean "clear day", "cloudy day of various intensities", "thunderstorm day", each defined by an Okta number from 0 to 8.
    Tags: led
    Lighting , ‎ DIY projects
  2. MACNA Des Moines, Iowa - Sept 9, 10 and 11

    Rather than worry about the remote possibility that the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S will have any impact my life next month, I just booked my flight for MACNA 23!!! I hope you guys are also gearing up to attend with me, because we are going to be a'drinkin' for sure. If you've not heard me talk about how great MACNA is in the past, google "melev +macna" and I'm sure you'll get all kinds of cool links full of MACNA treasure to peruse. I just checked and got About ...
  3. And its running....

    Managed to get enough plumbing done today to do a leak test on the tank. I still have some more to go for my reactors, but thats not necessarily a priority right now. So far, so good on leaks, which is surprising. I think I am going to work on my storage cabinet next, and it will house my CO2 bottle, dj power station, and ATO container.


    Updated 08-15-2011 at 04:27 PM by melev

  4. question about reeflo dart pump

    I'm ordering a Reeflo dart hybrid pump from (once they are in stock) to replace the two mag 12 pumps that I currently use on my freshwater 500 gallon tank. (I know is FW and this is a SW site, sorry) My question is can I run 1 1/2" plumbing on the inlet side of the pump instead of the 2"? The reason I ask is the cost of the 2" bulkheads, ball valves, and unions is way more than the 1 1/2" parts. Is using 1 1/2" parts going to be ok or should I just bite the ...

    Updated 08-15-2011 at 02:51 PM by trplxj

  5. The story of the Starfish- Or, why impulse buys are cool sometimes...I think.

    Being a high-octane fish geek, I'm always on the lookout for something new and different. Travelling as much as I do, I get to spend lots of time in different fish stores and visiting different aquariums. This weekend, it was the DFWMAS. Following the meeting, Marc, Drew and Gina Richardson, my Girlfriend Michelle and I found ourselves at one of Dallas' high end aquarium stores.

    Eager to spend Marc's money to help stock up his tank, we spied an unusual starfish called the 'Beadel ...

    Updated 08-14-2011 at 03:16 PM by melev

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