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  1. Top Down Shots from Saturday night

    Here are a few pictures that I liked from those I took with a photo box that I build.

    This pink tabling acro has been growing in my tank for a couple of years, ever so slowly. It started as a tiny fraglet.

    The "orange blob" lives up to its name.

    It is interesting how the Montipora and the Birdsnest are intertwining. ...
  2. Reef Chemistry

    So lately I have been adding a lot of new corals to my tank, which is technically only 4 months old after a major tank crash, and with testing my water chemistry I have found my calcium is really high at around 500-560ppm in the last week, with an Alkalinity reading of 6-7dkh. I have been dosing the tank with Randy's 2 part Alkalinity recipe. I have been adding around 200-240ml of my Alkalinity solution a day for the last 5 days and have seen almost no increase in my Alkalinity. I expected to see ...
  3. You can have what invert you like

    HAHA the extent some nerdiness extends to! You can have it. To the tune of T.I.'s "Whatever you like." -Provided by Cheekymonkey

    Updated 03-20-2010 at 11:23 PM by Jessy

  4. Why we all need HDTV.

  5. A little reef gardening today

    Today, I decided to take a little time out to clean up my reef. I removed empty snail shells littering the sand bed, siphoned out the cyano bloom that has been bothering me for the past couple of week, blasted off some of the corals usually affected with AEFW, and moved a few pieces around.

    The Platygyra pini (maze coral) was being heavily shaded by the "orange blob" to the point that I knew I had to rescue it soon. When I pulled it out today, I was rather surprising how much that ...
    Tank Entry
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