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  1. Pre-filters. . . something got me thinking.

    Ok so I was out doing some stuff yesterday at Home Depot and Wal-mart and since my sediment filter is really looking rusty already thought about picking up a cheap one and swap it out. Anyway got to looking and the one I saw available at Home Depot was like 30 microns which seems way high and the ones at Wal-mart are Dupont brand but have absolutely no information on them. So I put in an e-mail to Dupont to try and get the information and while I am at it figured why not put together some information ...
  2. Concrete Day...

    Today was the day, after all the preparation. My son was awake and ready to start as soon as I showed up with the concrete mixer. He and I both knew it was going to be hard work, but I know that he now knows just how much concrete workers go through every single day.

    Here he is, ready to go. The mixer was a rental from Home Depot Tools, and could hold seven 80lb bags per batch. Look at that pile to his left.
    Tags: concrete
    DIY projects
  3. Tonight's update (ready for concrete at last)

    It's hard to believe that two days ago, the fishroom was there, and today it is gone and ready for the big expansion. I'm sharing some of the pictures I took with my Nikon (rather than those taken with my iPhone 4) tonight, so you'll see a little repetition.

    I began tearing out the walls while Bobby worked on the plumbing on 9/28.

    Tags: rebar
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
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