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  1. 245G Build/Breeding Room Update and Revised Plans

    Here is the latest progress on my 245G Build/Breeding room. You can find the prior blogs post at these links:

    Progress on the fish room is moving along nicely. I have been able to completely finish the back and right ...
    Tank Entry
  2. New gear coming in

    This is where the project starts to get more fun for me. When goodies arrive in the mail.

    I had to send in one of my MP40w ES vortechs for repair, and that came back ready to use on the new tank. Something in the firmware had to be updated.

    Then I got this a very well packaged box from NextReef:

    This is my new NP reactor to take care of nitrate and phosphate. I'll be using two liters of ...
    New Additions
  3. Tearing out the old ceiling today

    After yesterday's discussion, I decided to get that ceiling pulled out quickly before it warmed up outside. Wearing a facemask, I climbed up into the attic and played joust with a whisk broom vs the fluffy stuff. It grudgingly abated somewhat, but not all of course. Here's where we left off yesterday...

    My son joined me in the actual teardown of the two layers of sheetrock, exposing the joists and raining down ...
    Tags: sheetrock
    DIY projects
  4. Got a smartphone with GPS

    Not really reef related but can be useful just the same.

    My phone has GPS ability and it is really nice for a lot of things, Especially paired with Google maps and the search by voice functionality. All you have to do is search for something like "auto parts" and it will show stuff close to where your location is and don't have to pay for the feature especially if your carrier has a map program.

    I dont' really do the social sites. . . not a twit [twit] noun: ...
    Random Thoughts
  5. HOB Super Reef Octopus Protein Skimmers?

    Does Anyone Have Any Videos of the New HOB Super Reef Octopus Protein Skimmers? I'm interested in purchasing one for my aquarium yet I haven't seen any videos to prove their performance. It's either these or I'm going to go HOB Deltec but I would like to compare the two.

    Updated 10-08-2010 at 03:44 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
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