I discovered lots of copepods in my tank! I haven't seen them since college biology lab. I noticed white specks scurrying along glass before the lights came on. I had to use a magnifying glass to recognized them, and I also spotted several females carrying their egg sacs. Whoohoo! I suspect that they arrived with my ISPF order that I introduced last week. My tank is still cloudy, and it might be a bacterial bloom. It might be getting better but it's still cloudy even though I've been ...
Updated 01-08-2011 at 05:40 PM by gerbilbox
No, not the one you were thinking of. This was to double check my efforts from yesterday. I had to pour water on the new concrete as this helps strengthen it as it cures. I wanted to see where it might flow, and also determine what still needs to be done. This was less than 2 quarts of water poured out. You should be able to tell that the right side is drying off while the water is pooling a little toward the left. ...