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  1. Aaaaand... we're back!

    What a beating that was! We are back in business and look forward to catching up with everyone. You've had a week and all kinds of stuff has no doubt happened that you were dying to share, right? Let's hear it!

    For those that need more information, our site was moved from one server to another, and there was some permissions that had to be tracked down. Ed spent a great deal of time working on the back end with databases, ...
    Random Thoughts
  2. finished stand with lighting up next

    I don't have a handy image of the stand painted, but here's a shot of gluing the two sheets of plywood together. It has proven to yield no deflection and should suffice as a catwalk around the tank. I have since cut out overflow spots and painted the top with 3 coats of primer.

    Next up is hanging the lights. I had finished the light rack but wanted to buy some pre-wired Molex plugs for
  3. Lets See Your Full Tank Shot for December!!

    Come on Reef Addicts, let's see your FTS for December!!!

    Here is mine:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	photo.jpg
Views:	416
Size:	130.8 KB
ID:	3322

    Okay, Marc I tried to put pic on and when I clicked upload it did not do upload/correctly. I will add my pic when I figure this out. ;-)

    Glad to see the site is back up!!


    Updated 12-13-2010 at 03:14 PM by Hat39406

    My tank! , ‎ Tank Entry
  4. December 2010 Tank Shot

    by , 12-06-2010 at 01:24 PM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Thank you to whomever slaved away to get everything working right again here!

    Someone shared this with me, and I thought someone else might benefit from it. It's a beautiful video of clams in a greenhouse from Pacific East Aquaculture. This is the youtube link:

    Anyways since last updated there has been some more progress on Tibet. On December 1st I snapped these shots in the morning with my phone. I later have come to realize ...
    Tank Entry
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