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  1. nuvo 16 tank from

    Just picked up a innovative marine Nuvo 16 from

    It is truly a plug and play system and awesome!!
    Tank Entry
  2. What an amazing fish!!!

    I went out a couple of weeks ago, and got me a kole yellow eye tang. I got a quarantine tank that I always keep running, and despite weekly water changes due to it having really no beneficial bacteria because of past treatments. It seems to always get a lot of algae. The tank was empty for about a month and running but i didnt scrape the algae everytime i did a water change. I tested the water when i bought the fish and everything was good,so i put him in the tank. 5 days later my tank was as clean ...
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  3. My coral death seems to have come to a stop

    It seems I can finally rest easy again for a second as I have recorded 0 instances of death among my corals in a week. Nature seems to have run it's course and in fact whatever it was the chaeto must have learned to like because i turned it over to rotate it for light and it exploded in an orgy of growth. As previously stated in older posts all test showed signs being good with no spikes or drops in any parameter and the same can still be told today. I did run out of carbon through the process and ...
    Tags: death
    Tank Entry
  4. GFO vs. Biopellets

    Hello, what is the difference between GFO and Biopellets.
  5. Christmas goodies

    I picked out a few Christmas Gifts from Tidal Gardens ( ) yesterday

    Gold Torch

    Maxi-Mini Anemone

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