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  1. Found this creature during a water change... aiptasia or majano or ?

    Thursday as I was doing a quick water change I found a tentacled creature sitting on top of my first sump baffle glass.... looked like an aiptasia to me so I tried to suck it with the hose. It receded into the baffle and I lost it.

    A few minutes later I saw it drifting submersed in the water on the other side of the baffles, close to the return pumps, stout and tentacles all spread open, like a spider. This time I took it out with plastic claws (didn't want to touch it).
    Tags: aiptasia
    Pest , ‎ Sump
  2. Powder brown looking sick

    My powder brown seems to hiding out in one corner. He has a cob web slim me coat hanging off him and hes blotchy. Do notice any cist on him like you would with ich.

    Nothings has been added to the tank for a few weeks, except I started bio pellets yesterday. Only have added one cup to the reactor for now. This is on a 125.

    Updated 07-23-2011 at 03:47 PM by melev

  3. Lighting Timers

    Hey All,
    Is there anything special we need to know about lighting timers to be used for metal halides? Will regular ol' outdoor timers such as those used for outdoor Christmas lighting do the trick?
    Thanks in advance!
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Lighting , ‎ Equipment