So I'm using the "New Additions" category. I hope that ok for hardware as it kind of sounds like livestock/coral... At any rate, I just got a little something in the mail that might be a bit overkill for this build... MP40... I might actually have to get an MP20 if the 40 is unmanageable I should know in about a week if I'll have to down grade. I'm hoping to get water moving in the tank by next friday. I'm going to run about two-three weeks with only substrate and ...
How many of you out there have ever sat in front of your tank and sighed, remembering how exciting the hobby was when you got your first tank set up? Recalling the hours you spent staring in wonder at the infinte diversity you poured your heart and soul into building into your reef. The countless water changes performed, the meticulous testing you did and redid hoping that stubborn nitrate test wouldn't turn red. Even something a simple as seeing your first limpet stuck to the glass and thinking ...
Updated 03-01-2010 at 09:56 AM by landlord
First, this tank is going in my office not my house so I don't have to worry about my beautiful wife hating the rough look. Now on to the stand... I'm going to leave the side open and put a couple shelf sections in for parts, food, you know fish stuff! I'll brace the back for strength, and also have a nice place to mount my controller parts. (That'll be a tough choice??? RKE or RKL? Who am I kidding, I ran an RKE decked out on my 10g!) Anyway, ...
Am I the only one who has this infernal itch? The one that makes us cruise ebay and craigslist to see if some else’s misfortune will net us a big new tank!!!??? The one that makes us rationalize that we need new lights for the tank instead of say, new tires on the car before winter? The very same itch that makes us see space for another coral in the tank when no such space exists? You know the feeling, when you decide that 20 times water turnover is just not enough? Or that changing the timers ...