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  1. Platygyra pini DNA

    Years ago, I got this coral from a local vendor that was about to open for business. It's a beautiful maze coral that has done well or poorly as things happened with water quality. It was plagued with cyano that refused to go away, to the point that I was ready to write it off. When it was down to less than 20% life, it suddenly decided to reverse course and heal. It took nearly a year to fully recover to the point you couldn't tell it ever looked bad.

    When the tank leaked a year ...
    Tags: dna, pini
    Tank Entry
  2. Some fish facts

    Some fish facts:
    The best way to keep an animal like a fish healthy is to know how it makes it's living.
    We are after all very distant relatives of fish (if you believe Darwin) so we should have some sort of understanding of the way they feel.
    We don’t see the way fish see, we don’t feel the way fish feel, and we also don’t eat the way fish eat. Fish don’t have tongues and they don’t "really" chew. (Try chewing without using your tongue) They bite a piece of food, then ...
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