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  1. Water tests from today

    The parameters continue to look excellent. And the brown stuff I've been worried about seems to be declining, but then again it is early in the day and the lights haven't had time to awaken that stuff today.

    Name:  2011_parms.jpg
Views: 2006
Size:  82.5 KB
    Water Chemistry
  2. "Murphy's Law" for Reefer's

    This is a list in progress..... feel free to add your own "Murphy's Law" experiences!

    1.Whenever making a one handed rock or coral placement there is always a snail or hermit in your very spot. I don't care if you only have one of each. they will be right there.

    2. When doing water changes, you can NEVER remember to shut off the auto top off. (even when I write myself a note to remember!)

    3. When on your last batch of salt, it always mixes to about ...
  3. Just Introducing Myself...

    Hello, my name is Brett (drummereef) and this is my 180g / 220g total system volume reef tank. Haven't added corals yet since I'm currently waiting out some small algae cycles but it's coming along. Here's some pics of the system.

    Tank Entry
  4. new addition to my tank. neon green bubble tip anemone

    went by the local fish store today and they had a green bta for sale and i just had to pick it up, i have had acclimation issues with one of my long tentacle anemones so i took extra care into this one, after about 3 and half hours of acclimating, i placed him in the tank and seems to love it, within 10-15 minutes he seemed to be fully attached at his foot, and his oral disc fully extended, witch is about 6 and ahalf inches in diamater, i amveryy happy with the new addition pictures will follow ...
  5. Today was a busy day - made some progress

    I woke up today excited to receive my pallet from Premium Aquatics. It arrived 2.5 hours later than promised, which delayed my other project but what could I do about that? The pallet has Tropic Eden sand, both dry and many trays of live sand for the new tank. Two bags of calcium reactor media by Tropic Eden (large reef 'bones' type), Sybon reef salt, filter socks, Vertex NP pellets, bulkheads, Phosphate Control, thermometers and more. The driver had to make two trips up the driveway with his ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Plumbing