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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Houston we have a problem...

    Today I got to work on my sump. Fun times until I hit a snag... ugh... again. OK I don't have pics to post so I will need you guys to put on your imagination hats on. My sump is a 110 gal tank 6 feet long. My original plan was to place the external pump next to the sump making the total length of sump and dart pump about a little less than 7 feet. After measuring it all out it fits perfect inside the stand (without the plumbing parts). After trying to add all the plumbing it will not fit.
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
  2. Boxing in and firring out

    This afternoon I got the hole cleaned up. I needed to box it in to the viewable area and fir it out so that the trim would have something to mount to. here are the pictures of what I did.

  3. 112g reef tank build

    I recently picked up a 112 gallon oceanic tank. im going to build a custom stand and sump for it and im going to do my best to make this setup efficient and make it so that water changes and maintenance is easy.

    this is the general idea in theory i want to combine the 112 and my existing 40g breeder build together into one system. ill be building a 48" x18" x 16"tall sump to run both systems. the lighting will be led eventually but will be metal halide and t5 for now. ...
  4. Good News, they tank is on the way!

    Hope you are excited as I am.

    After all the changes, delays, and head scratching the tank should be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I will try to take pictures of what I can. The home for the tank is not finished being prepped, as I was expecting more lead time on knowing the tank's arrival. That said I will have a busy week getting the wall opening and stand leveling properly prepared.

    Does anyone know of a store that would carry composite shims? I guess I could ...

    Updated 05-26-2012 at 07:23 AM by Midnight (added photos)

    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment
  5. Anyone know what these are?

    by , 05-20-2012 at 06:04 PM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    They look like algae grazers - have the mouth of an astrea snail, but are SUPER FAST. Shell has no spiral to it - looks more like a cupped hand or something. Anyway, I didn't think much about them until I found one 'spawning' in my frag tank. They release eggs or offspring or whatever directly into the water column. Since then, I have been executing them on a regular basis - but for every one I kill, I suspect there are 20 I don't see. Not sure if they're OK or not, but I just realized that ...
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