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DIY projects

Do It Yourself projects

  1. Why thinking thing through is a good thing!

    by , 08-17-2010 at 01:36 PM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Last night my other half, Kevin, and I are hanging out in our basement/demo central. We were trying to make a shopping list for the hardware store so that we can finish the fishroom after the delivery of our water change tank. So our shopping list starts piling up and Kevin turns to me and says "where do you want the hole for the fan exhaust?"

    Way back when we had a discussion about removing the window, and bulding a vent box to sit in the frame. I thought we were still ...
    Tags: humidity
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  2. Water change system 90% complete!

    by , 08-12-2010 at 08:09 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    I just finished placing my order for the second to last piece of our automatic water change system; a HDPE Heavy Duty Horizontal Leg tank. Last purchases are actual plumbing parts, but I've learned my lesson about pre-ordering before I've figured out 100% what I'm trying to accomplish.

    I have to say though the 55g garbage containers we've been using since 2004/2005 have done us very well. I want to re-purpose them but can't figure out how. I may just offer them up for sale at a really ...
    Tags: diy, waterchange
    Tank Entry , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ DIY projects
  3. MACNA 2010 App (Unofficial)

    MACNA 2010 will be my third MACNA. I have had a great time each year and I always learn something new at the presentations. My favorite thing about MACNA is the vast knowledge that is available by going to the talks, but it can be difficult to pick the presentations you want to go to. I created a free app for my webOS (Palm Pre or Palm Pixi) phone that will help to plan which talks to go to.

    The "Unofficial MACNA 2010 Schedule" app will show a schedule of the presentations ...
    DIY projects
  4. 240g Upgrade Day 4

    Day 4

    Not a lot of work, just some more planning and I picked up a 150g for a sump for free, THANKS Slandis. It needed a little work, here's how it looked when I got it, both overflows were broke, no biggie wasn't going to use them. I got half done due to knife blades breaking and running out gonna finish it tomorrow. Now all I need is a big ol glass hole saw for the end and I'm set, and a few baffles.

    DIY projects
  5. hello im new and this is my build thread "pic heavy "

    i do mostly pic's ask question if you have any


    Updated 08-10-2010 at 11:17 AM by mayhem_audio

    Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Electrical , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ DIY projects
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