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Tank Entry

  1. Why thinking thing through is a good thing!

    by , 08-17-2010 at 01:36 PM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Last night my other half, Kevin, and I are hanging out in our basement/demo central. We were trying to make a shopping list for the hardware store so that we can finish the fishroom after the delivery of our water change tank. So our shopping list starts piling up and Kevin turns to me and says "where do you want the hole for the fan exhaust?"

    Way back when we had a discussion about removing the window, and bulding a vent box to sit in the frame. I thought we were still ...
    Tags: humidity
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  2. Tear down the wall

    That seemed like an appropriate title for this entry. Today, I wanted to tear down the wall that made up the old tank stand. The platform was pulled out that was built almost exactly six years ago. It took a lot of muscle, as it was built to last. My son provided that need.

    While the stand and walls had to come out, I wanted to keep the wooden walkboard that the manifold is supported by. Additionally, ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Packages in the mail make me happy

    by , 08-16-2010 at 08:29 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Got a package in the mail on Friday! Thanks Ian. Now I can calibrate my ORP probe and further adjust my ozonier.

    I also sucked up the cost of gas and filled my truck ($75 eek!) so this coming weekend we can do more demo and just be done with it all.
    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry
  4. It has began!

    Well it has begun again.

    The reef bug hit, and were pretty much settled in from the move so I decided it was time to set up a new reef.

    It is just cycling now, so I got some time to work out some more detail on the livestock. I started with a base of a few critters I wanted to keep, and am going from there. It's amazing just how long fine sand particles will stay suspended in the water. I put the sand in close toa week ago and it is still there. I ran the AC70 ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ New Additions
  5. Changing the fishroom for the new tank

    I drew up some artwork to show you what I have now and what is to come.

    Here's the basic layout with the entry doors.

    This is a very simple rendition showing where everything has been for the past few years.

    And here's the new layout.

    The room will ...
    Tank Entry