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Tank Entry

  1. My 300

    Here is the start of my 300. I closed a room in my house and made a office with my tank being viewable on both sides. It is starfire on the 2 viewing panels. My sump and fuge are in my garage. Still want to change my sump out one day for a nice custom one but here is my progress so far. My tank has already been up for 3 years. Hopefully next year I will get the office side done and my new sump.


    Updated 10-28-2010 at 10:54 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  2. The One has been found!

    by , 10-27-2010 at 09:04 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    We've selected our builder! I'm also tweaking the size of the original overflow, I need something to handle max 6000gph. The tank should be installed in December if my schedule and the builder's works out. I'm working too much to make November a possiblity. I need to take some days off for the builder because of the fact that the tank needs to be built on site.

    I'll take some photos tonight of the tank room, its been progressing. The leg tank is installed, and they layout has been ...
    Tags: tank builder
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  3. Ordered Nextreef Reactor

    So, I have been battling this ugly purple/brown and green slime junk problem in my tank for a few months now. My tank is still fairly young about 8months old. I have a total of three fish and three corals and a Green bta. I feed only once a day, My nitrates and and phosphates are undetectable but the slime may be using it up. My chaeto is not growing that fast. So I have decided to try the EcoBak pellets in the Nextreef SMR1 reactor. I ordered the reactor through Marine Depot and the media ...
  4. My cardinal fish

    Here are my two new additions to my little slice of the ocean. PJ-the spotted cardinalfish and dot--the banggai cardinalfish

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ID:	2971
    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions
  5. New Reefscape

    OK as of next month my reef will be four years old. So a few corals have grown somewhat large for my little 65 gallon. So I decided it was time to re-reefscape my tank. On the old reefscape I had a large monti-cap in the front center of the tank. Durning the re-reefscape I was lifting it out of the tank and .... oh yea murphy's law struck. The live rock broke and the monti-cap dropped straight to the floor. Shattered into a thousand frags ! This coral was causing an eye sore on the front glass. ...

    Updated 10-21-2010 at 06:45 PM by Jessy

    Tank Entry