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245 & 180 Gallon Display and Breeding Room - A big change of events

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After much thought and consideration came to a rather big decision regarding this build. All along I was struggling to really fit the 180 G tank (my current reef) into the fish room. After playing around with the tape measure, purchasing 2 100G rubbermaid feed troughs, and some consideration, I decided that I am going to build my 180G into the wall and keep it the current SPS reef that it is today. As for the 245G, that is going to be a large angel, butterfly species tank. Both tanks will run through 1 of the 2 rubbermaid sumps that I purchased and will be run off of one of my reeflo Dart pumps and my ASM G6 skimmer. Here are the revised plans for the project.

Here is pic of space where the 180G reef will be relocated.

A little more detail on the breeding setup side of things. Moving the 180 out of the breeding room allowed my to revise the fish bank #2 into a much larger setup. Both fish banks will drain into the sump that is located beneath fish bank #2. Below are the plans for fish bank #2

Here is a pic of fish bank #1. Notice the sides are painted black and holes are drilled for 1 -1/2" bulk heads

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  1. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Awesome man.. keep with the updates!! I want to eventually do something like this so when I see someone do it, its nice to see.
  2. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks! The updates will keep coming as I get stuff done.