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MACNA iPhone App is available.

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In record time, an app was created for all you iPhone users attending MACNA this year. You'll have the speaker's bios & talks available at your fingertips the entire conference. Find your favorite vendors in the exhibits hall, and meet up with friends more easily.

The App is available from iTunes or you can get it directly from the App Store on your phone.

Additionally, it is available for the Palm Pre, as posted in this blog recently:

Rumor has it, an Android version is in the works as well, so most of the SmartPhones are being covered this year. I love it!

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  1. revhtree's Avatar
    So cool Marc!
  2. raddogz's Avatar
    Now that is some crazy *** hot sh*t right there
  3. Drews_tweet's Avatar
    Looks good to me.
  4. Hesham's Avatar
    Wes, appreciate if you can compile the app so that it is compatible with iOS 3. Unfortunately, my generation of iPOD Touch cannot be updated to iOS 4.
  5. Drews_tweet's Avatar
    I agree. It already needs an update.
  6. Wes's Avatar
    That's the goal, I just needed something submitted and approved in time. Now I'll try to get an update or two in, we shall see! Worst case scenario though, I will have updates ready a year before Iowa, lol!