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Ever have a fish die for no reason?

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For the last two days I've been sick and my normal standing in front of the tank for hours has been reduced. I just fed the tank, cleaned the glass and went back to the couch. Today I was feeling better and spent some time after feeding and I noticed my Royal Gramma didn't eat, come to think of it I hadn't see him the last two days. So I started looking and found him dead under a rock, as soon as I moved the rock he floated to the surface. I've had him two years and the previous owner had had him for at least five. He was one of the largest Royal Gramma's I have ever seen, Just a little over 6 inchs long and about 1 1/2 in dia. He had showed no signs of disease, ich or anything else I could see. All the other fish seem to be doing fine. I guess I'm going to chalk it up to old age.....

Time to run out to Lowes for more stuff for the fish room, later.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Yes, this has happened to me as well. I lost a 12 year old clownfish that was active, eating, breeding.... just died overnight. It was a very sad day indeed.

    That sounds like an enormous Royal Gramma. I hope you have a few pictures of it to share, and I'm sorry to hear it died.
  2. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Here's about the only pictures I have of it, I could never get it to come out of its cave very long and by the time I to the camera it was usually back in hiding.

  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    That was a nice looking fish! Sorry he died, but at least you had the opportunity to enjoy him for a few years. I'm glad you're feeling better now. Looking forward to ya next posting. ;-)
  4. maroun.c's Avatar
    Just had my hyppo tang which I aquired at a rather big size two years ago and grew huge in the tank, die yesterday for no reason. Just found it dead on the bottom of the tank with multiple big white patches on it. not sure if it was some disease or just the rotting... it was healthy and active like always the previous night when I fed the tank...
  5. mro2you2's Avatar
    yep my royal gramma did the same thing.
  6. Spyder's Avatar
    Has there been any documented research as to the natural life span of these fish? I often wonder how many of the fish we keep actually live a full life span and die of old age rather than becoming a meal mid life on a wild reef, it seems to me that the odds are not in their favor.
  7. melev's Avatar
    I'm shocked when I hear how long some of these fish live. Some clownfish are able to live 24 years or more. That's incredible to me.
  8. Spyder's Avatar
    Would I be correct in the assumption that those fish were in captivity?