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240g Upgrade Day 4

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Day 4

Not a lot of work, just some more planning and I picked up a 150g for a sump for free, THANKS Slandis. It needed a little work, here's how it looked when I got it, both overflows were broke, no biggie wasn't going to use them. I got half done due to knife blades breaking and running out gonna finish it tomorrow. Now all I need is a big ol glass hole saw for the end and I'm set, and a few baffles.

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DIY projects


  1. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    loonin good
  2. melev's Avatar
    How many days is your project plan?
  3. Blown76mav's Avatar
    no really set days, but I'm hoping to be done by the end of Sept. If I had the money it would be done in two weeks or so due to me being on vacation. Once I'm back at work my only free days will be on Friday's
  4. melev's Avatar
    So when it says "Day 365", we won't be shocked. hehe
  5. Blown76mav's Avatar
    If it says day 365 I'm in trouble. On a side note, seems I've caught a nice summer cold which has stopped me in my tracks so until I can move for more than a few minutes without loosing lunch I'm gonna take a break.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Get well soon!