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What tools make your hobby experience easier?

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Here's my collection of go-to items. There are others, but these are the most prevalent ones.

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Updated 12-12-2014 at 01:24 AM by melev



  1. gettareef's Avatar
    Nice video Marc. GAve me some good ideas to use in the future. The only things I can think to add in there is a baby bottle brush for cleaning my skimmer cup and I find myself using those long metal crab/lobster forks for various tasks. What is the rational behind storing used/opened razor blades with vegetable oil in a paper towel? I haven't heard of that one.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Since that specific blade is two sided, I store it for the next time. I don't want to use the same edge twice if there is any chance a small burr may form that would scratch the glass. The oil keeps the metal rust free until I use it, and storing it in a papertowel reminds me is has been used once already.

    I like the brush tool, good one. I used to have a toilet brush (all plastic) to clean the neck of my skimmer before I bought the skimmer swabbie.